Two Thirty Four Workout

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No, you don't have to wait until 2:34 to do this workout and no, it won't take you two hours and 34 minutes. (Phew - thank goodness!)

This workout uses sets of 2 exercises, doing each one for 30 seconds, and repeating that sequence 4 times to complete one round. Using my A-HIT phone app in the Sets option, I set it up for 4 rounds, 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of work. Or just a 30 second timer works too. Then just repeat the set for the number of rounds you choose to do. If you do all 6 sets below, it should take about 30 minutes (giving about a minute of rest between each round as you reset your timer and set up for the next set of exercises).

So round one would look like this:  30 seconds of burpees, 30 seconds of hip lift bridges, 30 seconds of burpees, 30 seconds of hip lift bridges, 30 seconds of burpees, 30 seconds of hip lift bridges, 30 seconds of burpees, 30 seconds of hip lift bridges. Done, now move to round 2.

30 seconds. You can do anything for 30 seconds.

**Round Five requires hand weights or exercise bands. If you don't have any, you could use full water bottles or skip this one if you want.

Round One
-Burpees: from standing, squat down and place both hands on floor, jump both feet back to push up position (or reach back one foot at a time without jumping), then jump both feet back to the squat position (or step back in one foot at a time if you need to), stand back up and jump reaching hands to the ceiling, repeat.
-Hip lift bridges: lying on back with knees bent and hands on floor near hips, lift and lower hips up off the floor, squeezing your bum and tightening your abs, don't rest when you lower your hips but rather just skim the very tips of the carpet fibers beneath you

Round Two
-Wall sit: with back against a wall and knees bent, use the strength of your legs to "sit" on an invisible chair
-Hover or modified plank: in prone position, elbows and forearms on the floor, toes on the floor, lift the rest of your body into a straight line hover, no piking, no sagging

Round Three
-Squat jump: wide legs, squat down and touch the floor with fingertips then jump up while reaching both hands towards the ceiling, land in squat position (try not to bend over too far on the squat, don't let knees go forward but rather stick your bum back into the squat)
-Windmill toe touches: in a wide stance with extended arms, lean over, bend one knee and then the other as you alternate reaching for one foot then the other like a windmill, pull belly up and in

Round Four
-Push ups: you know the drill, hands wider than shoulders, start on your toes, go to your knees if/when necessary
-Crunches: on your back, bent knees, no laced fingers behind your neck - just a light touch behind your ears - elbows out, lift head and shoulders off the floor as you pull the back of your belly button into your spine, crunching your rib cage toward your hip bones

Round Five
-Biceps: using hand weights or exercise band, hammer curls or palms up, elbows pointing straight down rather than resting against your body
-Triceps: using hand weights or exercise band, overhead extensions, elbows in and up framing your head, the movement should happen behind your head, as if you were trying to put the hand weights into your own backpack and then lifting them back up toward the ceiling

Round Six
-Plank jacks: in push up position (or on elbows and forearms) jack in and out with feet, pull belly up and in
-Side hover hip dips: lying on side, long straight body, propped up on elbow directly under shoulder, opposite hand reaching toward ceiling, lift and lower hip off floor, alternate sides for each 30 second set