Food Prep Tips (910-9/16)

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This week's meals are all easy peasy.

Just one package of boneless skinless chicken breasts (3-4) popped in the crock pot with some seasoning and 1/2 an onion, cooked on high for an hour or so, then low for 3 more. Cool and shred the chicken and portion it out for 3 meals- tonight's quesadillas, later in the week added to salad, and finally added to marinara for the cacciatore.

We are trying to eat fish once a week -- that probably sounds pathetic as we should be eating it more like 3 times a week! -- but fish is "new" to us.... I get the frozen individual pieces. One bag lasts the whole month! And I am learning you can do a million things with tilapia.

If you made lentil burgers last week, you're set there for awhile. This week's turkey burgers will likely be lentil burgers for us. You can do real beef burgers if you want.

As always, the weekly veggie chop is the kicker for me. (See post on Aug 27) I'll use it in egg beaters for breakfast, put it in the quesadillas, add it to the couscous, add it to salad, put a little in the grilled cheese sandwiches, use it for the cacciatore, and anywhere else we need some color or crunch. So worth the 20 minutes of chopping!!

Prep the melon. Keep it, berries, apples, and yogurt in the front of the fridge so when you open it, good food choices are visible and readily available.

Happy Monday!