Four Week February Challenge: Week 4

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I had a friend ask, "Why does the shortest month feel like the longest?" 
 Isn't that the truth?! February, be done.

This is the final push. Just four more workouts, then the fitness test again.

Week four: do all four workouts, in any order, on any day

Day 1: Burpee Challenge - rest as needed. The burpees are killer, the squats are just for fun. (During the burpees, especially as you tire, focus on keeping a super tight belly and not letting the hips sag. This will help protect the low back.)

10 burpees
1 squat
9 burpees
2 squats
8 burpees
3 squat
7 burpees
4 squats
6 burpees
5 squat
5 burpees
6 squats
4 burpees
7 squat
3 burpees
8 squats
2 burpees
9 squat
1 burpees
10 squats

and the links to the other workouts:

Day 2: 12 Minute Workout #5 : Don't Think
Day 3: 12 Minute Workout #4 - Get On the Ball
Day 4: A Monday Morning Workout You Can Do Any Day

Focus 1: Eat less white stuff this week: less salt, less sugar, less white flour products.
Go for color. (M&M's and skittles don't count)

Focus 2: Do some random acts of kindness
Big or small. Doesn't matter. Spread some love. Being kind is different than being nice. Niceness is more about how you want others to see you. Kindness is about who you want to be on the inside.