This 12 Minute Workout has a focus on core work with some cardio bursts. If you have the time, do the workout twice. Set your app or timer for 12 rounds: 50 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest. No equipment necessary - just some floor space! Do each exercise for 50 seconds, then use the 10 seconds rest to set up for the next exercise.
1. Ten high knees with one tuck jump: jog in place with very high knees, a slight lean back and tight abs, pump your arms; each time you put down your right foot counts as one rep, after 10 reps, jump up as high as you can pulling both knees to chest. Repeat.
2. Bent knee side hip raises - right: lie on your right side, elbow directly under shoulder, other hand on hip, knees bent with hips and knees stacked; lift hip off the floor as high as you can keeping that sideways stack and belly pulled in, then lower back to floor. Repeat.
3. Bent knee side hip raises - left: same thing, other side
4. Alternating V & H long leg reverse lifts: Lying on back, legs extended on floor, hands palms down under bum to facilitate slight pelvic tilt, lift head and shoulders off the floor and press low back down; open legs into V and slowly lift up to 90 degrees, keeping legs wide lower but don't touch the floor with feet or legs, then close legs, feet together (H) and lift extended legs up to 90 degrees, lower with feet together. Repeat.
5. Jumping jacks: land softly, use big arm movements, keep a good pace
6. Crab kick dips: seated with knees bent in front of you and hands on the floor behind you, fingertips toward feet; lift hips into crab walk (table top) position, alternately extend and kick one leg to the ceiling as you bend your elbows and lower your hips closer to the floor, then the other. Repeat.
7. Windmill jack knives: lie on back with knees pulled to chest and arms extended at sides, lift up your head and shoulders and look down toward your belly button; as you straighten your legs out about 10 inches off the floor, sweep your arms out to the sides and over head, as you pull your knees back to chest, sweep arms out and down, back to your sides. Repeat.
8. Shoelace crunches: Lying on your back with legs long and extended straight up, feet together, lift up head and shoulders and look down toward your belly button; with hands together and outstretched arms, reach towards shoelaces, lift, crunching up and lowering quickly. Repeat.
9. Plank knee tucks: in full plank position with hands under shoulders, on toes, and a long strong straight body (no piking, no sagging) bring knee to opposite shoulder and pull thru tucking it in close and lowering that hip as if you were going to put your hip on the floor underneath your body, return to plank position, same on other side with other leg. Repeat.
10. Crossed knee oblique crunches - right: lying on back, with knees bent, cross one ankle over the opposite knee, matching arm (as bent knee) extended on floor, other hand behind your head; lift as high up and far over as you can as if you were trying to put your armpit on the bent knee, lower. Repeat.
11. Crossed knee oblique crunches - left: same thing, other side
12. Squat jumps: stand with feet about shoulder width apart, squat down as if you are going to touch the floor with both hands, lowering hips back and down, then jump up reaching to the ceiling and landing with soft knees. Repeat.