Workout: I can't breath anyway...


so I might as well be breathless.

Today's bootcamp class: we warmed up with marches, squats, jacks, etc. , then repeated the sequence below twice (using the 50 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest --rest meaning getting in position for the next exercise-- format), and finally finished up with 15 minutes of abs on the floor, and a much deserved stretch.
  • Jog in place with overhead reaches
  • Elbow to opposite knee rotation jacks
  • Football run (sprint)
  • Standing oblique crunch - right (with left arm extended out from side, right hand reaches toward ceiling, then bending sideways, bring right knee to right elbow, repeat)
  • Standing oblique crunch - left (with right arm extended out from side, left hand reaches toward ceiling, then bending sideways, bring left knee to left elbow, repeat)
  • Mountain climbers
  • Plank alt knee to opposite elbow, quick
  • Touch downs (with side lunge leaps)
  • Windmill touches (with feet stationary, upper body rotates to reach right hand to left toes, left hand to right toes, bending one knee then the other)
  • Floor touch lunges - right (standing, as right hand touches floor, right foot lunges back, left hand to floor, left foot back [plank], right foot forward, right hand lifts, left foot forward, stand up)
  • Floor touch lunges - left (standing, as left hand touches floor, left foot lunges back, right hand to floor, right foot back [plank], left foot forward, left hand lifts, right foot forward, stand up)
  • Plank hip pikes (plank to down dog and repeat)
  • Rotational lunges - right (in lunge position with right foot forward, light weights in each hand hanging at sides, drop into lunge as you bicep curl, then rotate upper body toward right and extend arms out - one forward, one back - as upper body turns back to front, retract arms, as you push out of lunge, extend arms back to hanging at sides)
  • Rotational lunges - left (in lunge position with left foot forward, light weights in each hand hanging at sides, drop into lunge as you bicep curl, then rotate upper body toward left and extend arms out - one forward, one back - as upper body turns back to front, retract arms, as you push out of lunge, extend arms back to hanging at sides)