I'm back. I think.

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I was...




I just couldn't take it anymore.

So I took the blog off the internet for a bit. I took a break. I read a couple of books. I helped make a quilt. I had a huge life event - I mean HUGE - or rather my honey had a huge life event, I just get to come along for the ride!! 

But now I'm back. I think.

This blog is supposed to be about healthy living. And living healthy means finding balance, doing things you love, finding value in yourself, and appreciating the value of everyone around you. And I lost sight of that for a bit. I saw the blog as this obligation. Ugh. I felt compelled to write every single day but then was disappointed with what I did write, and questioned why I was doing it at all. In short, I lost the joy. And if something doesn't bring you joy, you shouldn't do it. (Except for cleaning the bathroom and doing your taxes - both joyless, but do them anyway!!) So I stepped away.

But then, ... I missed it.

I missed the structure of knowing I could spend an hour or two writing stuff -- maybe even stuff no one would read, but felt cathartic none the less. I missed being serious about planning my meals and workouts -- without the accountability of the blog, things fell by the wayside. I missed thinking of ways to make my boring, every day life seem less boring and every day.

And so I'm back.

I think.